

Hancock County Coalition for Community Health

Healthy Acadia

WERU Common Health

Active Communities

(Contact person: Jen Boothroyd)

Project Mission

Goal: Movement: Physical activity in the daily lives of all

Strategic Vision: We build our towns and organize community systems to create ample
opportunities for walking, biking and social movement. Physical activity is a viable option for
recreation and transportation. With collective action, our communities experience the health, social, environmental and economic benefits that arise from:

  • Policies & Environmentsthat encourage complete streets and community connectivity (sidewalks,
    trails and bikeways)
  • Educational programs and servicesthat help people to value movement across the ages
  • Increased accessto outdoor nature-based recreation for all ages and abilities
  • Increased IPT (Individual Physical Transport) & access to community spaces – schools, services and public facilities

Primary Smart Objectives:

  • By 2016, 4 schools will adopt programs or policies that support walking and bicycling.
  • By 2016, 4 community locations will be created or expanded for daily walking, cycling
    or other forms of physical activity.



Asset Mapping Program

HCPC is working with Healthy Acadia to create physical activity asset maps for Hancock County. We have adopted the Google Fusion table methodology and are rolling out a more detailed map as the Rural Active Living Asssment progresses.